Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

UAS SD Kelas III, - MATERI SD 2007/2008

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ______________________
Kelas : III ( tiga )
I. Fill in the blank with correct answer! (Isilah titik – titik dengan jawaban yang benar!)
  1. Rara : “Hi Lala, how are you?”
Lala : “I am _________ thank you”
  1. Seven plus seven is ____________
  2. I hear with my __________________ (telinga )
  3. My mother is a ___________________ ( guru )
  4. Ten plus three is ________________
  5. I can see the world with my ____________ ( mata )
  6. Randy : “ Good afternoon Dandy”
Dandy: “Good ____________ Randy”
  1. Nineteen minus five is ______________
  2. He is a ____________________ ( polisi )
10. I walk with my _______________ (kaki)
11. I want to become a ______________ ( tentara )
12. Write in English! (Tulislah dalam bahasa Inggris!)
15 + 3 = 18
13. A : “What is your name?”
B : “My _____________ is Dika”
14. Tulislah angkanya!
      Nineteen plus one is twenty
15. Mother : “Good bye Lani”
      Lani : “Good ______________ mother”
16. She smells the food with her _________________ ( hidung )
17. My father is a _________________ ( dokter )
      He works in hospital.
18. Seven minus ___________________ is three.
19. You speak with your _______________ ( mulut ).
20. T – N – O – G – E – U = _______________________
21. What number is that?
      That is ______________________ 20
22. Let’s count! (Ayo berhitung!)
      Eleven, ______________, thirteen, _____________, fifteen
23. Y – E – E = ______________________
24. Twenty five minus three is _________________
25. + ___________________________________________
Good Luck!
- semoga sukses!-

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