Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Scheme of Conditional with example - for SMK Sumpah Pemuda XI,XII AP,PJ

Conditional Overview with Examples
Present Real Conditional
Present Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I study English.
Sometimes I have time.
If I had time, I would study English.
I don't have time.
Past Real Conditional
Past Unreal Conditional
If I had time, I studied English.
Sometimes I had time.
If I had had time, I would have studied English.
I didn't have time.
Future Real Conditional
Future Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I will study English.
If I have time, I am going to study English.
I don't know if I will have time or not.
Other forms possible.
If I had time, I would study English.
I won't have time.
Other forms possible.

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